Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Being a Champion for Kids

5th graders reading on the first day of school

A year ago, I shared Rita Pierson's TED Talk with Canyon Lake staff, and Cari Clark brought it to my attention again today; this is a great reminder of the kind of relationships we want to build with our students.

We know that not every student comes to us with the same background, same experiences, or same supports. But our mission is to meet the needs of all of our students; our job is to take them from where they are now to where they need to be. 

I want all of our families to know that every student that walks through our doors has an adult at Canyon Lake who will never give up on them.

Mr. S. helps students select books on the first day
We're committed as a school to this idea, because, as Rita Pierson says, "We are educators. We were born to make a difference."

I hope you'll find 7 minutes today to watch this video: 

Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion | TED Talk | TED.com
Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don’t like.’” A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.